The Joy of Teaching

     Giving flight instruction to over 20 people in the last 6 years at my hometown airport in Buffalo, MN has been a fortunate experience. It is such a joy to watch a student solo for the first time, there is a feeling of accomplishment they will never forget and it is great to be apart of. I will be honest; sometimes it is nerve-wracking when a student goes on their first solo cross country. However, after they get their pilots license and take their first passenger flying it is humbling to know one of my students may someday become an airline pilot.  It is amazing to think the fundamental flying skills I teach them will safely transport tens of thousands of passengers over the course of their career.

      So much is learned when instructing... anyone who teaches knows this.  Sometimes I feel I learn more in a lesson than my student does. Often, I will get asked a question I do not know, which will force me to research the topic and present my answer at a later lesson. It is almost a daily review session on why exactly we do certain procedures, this constant review helps me not only see things from a different vantage point but adds to my experience and makes me a better pilot. 

     I would recommend to any pilot who enjoys teaching: become a CFI!  If you do not have your pilots license and if you do not want to fly professionally yet you yearn for the skies, getting your CFI would be a great way to fly for free.  If you are a retired pilot, getting your CFI would be a great way to bestow your infinite knowledge on an eager flight student. To get your CFI there are only three steps; you must first get your private pilots license, instrument rating, commercial rating and then your CFI. Then you are on your way to experiencing more lessons than you ever thought possible!

James Aarestad
Senior Flight Instructor
West Metro Aviation