Learn To Fly (Start Here)

Interested in learning to fly?

Let me help you get started.

     I would like to lead off by saying that learning to fly is absolutely a life changing achievement. Not because it is so difficult to learn or understand, nor is it physically hard to conquer controlling the aircraft, but because it is one of those few things in life that can take you to a place only few have ventured and many have dreamed of. 

     It is simply unexplainable. To push the power forward, race down the runway with trees, grass and buildings passing by you, then gently pulling back on the controls and rising up above it all. The issues, problems and the World slowly pull away from you as you gain attitude and freedom. You are flying.

     Some of those old wives tales you’ve heard are just not true. You do not have to have 20/20 vision, you do not have to be a millionaire or have a college degree, gender is not a factor and just because you don’t have wings doesn’t mean you were not meant to fly!

     I started flying lessons when I was 15, but you don’t have to start young. The oldest person I personally know of who started lessons was an old Farmer in Iowa. He had never even flown before, not even in an airliner. He had always wanted to learn to fly, but life kept him too busy to start. He began his lessons at the age of 70 and it took him 4 months to finish. He took his girlfriend up the day he passed.

     Some of the simple qualifications to start include: a 3rd Class Airman’s Medical Certificate (very simple to pass, just breath). Read, write and speak English, Student Pilot’s License (easy application) and a good place to get you plugged in.

     Finding a good school will solve almost all of your needs. Usually, the quality schools will have a weekly class to help you progress quicker and prepare you for your written FAA exam.

There are two tests required to get your license. A written exam that covers aircraft performance, weather, navigation and Regulations, and the practical test that is a flight test with an examiner, similar to a drivers test which includes a flight demonstration as well as an oral exam.

Sounds difficult?  It’s not.

     Again, getting plugged in to a good school will prepare you for these tests. You could be ready as early as 90 days or less depending on how much time you devote to your new adventure.

      Costs will vary with schools and the type of equipment you learn in. Generally, a pilots license will cost around $4,500 to $6,000 depending on the school. Many schools provide financing or can steer you to a company that will assist at a decent interest rate.

     Again, I want to emphasize finding a good school, preferably one that is not too far from home. The closer the school, the more often you will fly. Ask for an introductory flight. This is a single flight the school offers at a discounted rate. It will introduce you to the aircraft and give you the hands on experience of actually flying the aircraft along with what you can expect during your flight training. Usually priced between $50 to $75, this will also give you a chance to see how well the school’s flight operations flow.

So, here’s how you start;

1.     Find a flight school close to you and walk in the door. Tell them you are interested in learning to fly, but first, you would like an introductory flight.

2.     Ask to see their State License and a copy of their insurance. Protect yourself!

3.     What are their rates associated fee’s (books and training materials) and an estimate for getting your Private Pilots License at their school.

4.     Any weekly classes (day or night) that you can attend. This will speed your training and lower your training costs.

5.     Look around and compare. Some places may feel more welcoming or inviting. Find the school that best fits you.

6.     Yes, you can ask them for references!  

     The home page of this site has a list of web sites of various reputable schools in Minnesota. If we don’t have one that is listed near you, please e-mail us and we will help you find one. Remember, this site is new and we are adding schools everyday.
     Flying is an amazing adventure. After you receive your private pilot’s license, you can continue with additional training, learn to fly Seaplanes, getting your instrument ratings and learn how to loop, roll, fly up-side down, and even do air shows in front of hundreds of thousand of people Nationwide.


OK, sorry, that last one is my passion. Just can’t help myself.

Learn to fly, you CAN do it!

Michael Wiskus
Lucas Oil/Geico Air Show Pilot
West Metro Aviation, Buffalo, MN.